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Medigap Supplement Plans can vary and are broken down into 12 various plans associated with the letters A – N.


Medigap Plan A


Medigap Plan A is the most basic of the Medigap Plans and is often overlooked due to its lack of benefits. Even with the limited amount of coverage, Medigap Plan A does cover the 20% of outpatient medical care that Medicare does not cover. This plan covers 100% of four gaps:

  1. Medicare Part A coinsurance payments for inpatient hospital care up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are used up.
  2. Medicare Part B copayment or coinsurance expenses.
  3. The first 3 pints of blood used in a medical procedure.
  4. Part A hospice care coinsurance expense and copayment.


Medigap Plan B


Medigap Plan B offers the same benefits you would receive from Medigap Plan A but with one key addition – the Part A hospital deductible. Since the cost of the deductible is over $1,500 and typically increases each year, and is a per-incident deductible (not an annual like you see with most insurance policies), this benefit is an important one. This plan covers 100% of five gaps:

  1. Medicare Part A coinsurance payments for inpatient hospital care up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are used up.
  2. Medicare Part B copayment or coinsurance expenses.
  3. The first 3 pints of blood used in a medical procedure.
  4. Part A hospice care coinsurance expense and copayment.
  5. Medicare Part A deductible. 


Medigap Plan C


Medigap Plan C is a nearly comprehensive Medicare Supplement Plan that provides coverage to nearly all Medicare gaps with an exception to Medicare Plan B excess changes. Excess charges occur when a provider doesn’t accept Medicare assignment and charges the patient up to 15% more than the Medicare-approved price for service. Even with this gap, Medigap Plan C is a great plan to supplement the gaps found in Medicare. It’s important to note that Medigap Plan C is only available to people who became Medicare-eligible before January 1, 2020. This plan covers 100% of 8 gaps:


  1. Medicare Part A coinsurance payments for inpatient hospital care up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are used up. 
  2. Medicare Part B copayment and coinsurance expenses. 
  3. The first 3 pints of blood used in a medical procedure.
  4. Part A hospice care coinsurance expense and copayment.
  5. Medicare Part A deductible.
  6. Medicare Part B deductible.
  7. Skilled Nursing Facility care coinsurance.
  8. Foreign travel emergency coverage (80% of approved costs up to plan limits).


Medigap Plan D


Medigap Plan D isn’t the most comprehensive option but still provides coverage on many items that Medicare does not. This Plan should not be mistaken with Medicare Part D as this is not a Medigap Plan for prescription drug coverage. This plan covers 100% of 7 gaps:


  1. Medicare Part A coinsurance payments for inpatient hospital care up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are used up. 
  2. Medicare Part B copayment and coinsurance expenses. 
  3. The first 3 pints of blood used in a medical procedure.
  4. Part A hospice care coinsurance expense and copayment.
  5. Medicare Part A deductible.
  6. Skilled Nursing Facility care coinsurance.
  7. Foreign travel emergency coverage (80% of approved costs up to plan limits).


Medigap Plan F


Medigap Plan F is the most comprehensive Medicare Supplement Plan offered. This option is great for Medicare recipients who are looking for a total piece of mind with their medical needs. Medigap Plan F has been the top selling Medicare Supplement Plan with nearly 60% of all Medigap plans issued; however, this plan is only available to those who became Medicare eligible prior to January 1, 2020. This option covers 100% of 9 gaps:


  1. Medicare Part A coinsurance payments for inpatient hospital care up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are used up. 
  2. Medicare Part B copayment and coinsurance expenses. 
  3. The first 3 pints of blood used in a medical procedure.
  4. Part A hospice care coinsurance expense and copayment.
  5. Medicare Part A deductible.
  6. Medicare Part B deductible.
  7. Skilled Nursing Facility care coinsurance.
  8. Medicare Part B Excess Charges
  9. Foreign travel emergency coverage (80% of approved costs up to plan limits).


Medigap Plan G


High Deductible Plan G operates similarly to the High Deductible Plan F but this plan is open to beneficiaries who became eligible for Medicare on or after January 1, 2020. Another key difference is once the $2,490 annual deductible is met, the insured will have a plan that matches the coverage of the regular Plan G.


  1. Medicare Part A coinsurance payments for inpatient hospital care up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are used up. 
  2. Medicare Part B copayment and coinsurance expenses. 
  3. The first 3 pints of blood used in a medical procedure.
  4. Part A hospice care coinsurance expense and copayment.
  5. Medicare Part A deductible.
  6. Skilled Nursing Facility care coinsurance.
  7. Medicare Part B Excess Charges
  8. Foreign travel emergency coverage (80% of approved costs up to plan limits).


Medigap Plan K


Medigap Plan K is a Supplement Plan that provides partial coverage on some gaps in your Medicare coverage. There has been a slight uptick in enrollees in this policy as this has lower premiums since the insured is sharing the cost of health services.  Medigap Part K has a cap (as of 2022) on your out-of-pocket expense at $6,620. This option covers 100% of 1 gap:


  1. Medicare Part A coinsurance payments for inpatient hospital care up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are used up. 


This option also covers 50% of 5 gaps:


  1. Medicare Part B copayment and coinsurance expenses. 
  2. The first 3 pints of blood used in a medical procedure.
  3. Part A hospice care coinsurance expense and copayment.
  4. Skilled Nursing Facility care coinsurance.
  5. Medicare Part A deductible.


Medigap Plan L


Medigap Plan L, like Medigap Plan K, is a cost-sharing Medigap policy that provides lower premiums to the insured for sharing the expense of medical services. Medigap Plan L has an annual out-of-pocket maximum (as of 2022) set at $3,310. This option covers 100% of one gap:


  1. Medicare Part A coinsurance payments for inpatient hospital care up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are used up. 


This option also cover 75% of 5 gaps:


  1. Medicare Part B copayment and coinsurance expenses. 
  2. The first 3 pints of blood used in a medical procedure.
  3. Part A hospice care coinsurance expense and copayment.
  4. Skilled Nursing Facility care coinsurance.
  5. Medicare Part A deductible.


Medigap Plan M


Medigap Plan M is a newer Medicare Supplement Plan created by the Medicare Modernization Act that’s designed to provide a lower monthly premium in exchange for the insured covering half of their hospital deductible. This gap covers 100% of 6 gaps:


  1. Medicare Part A coinsurance payments for inpatient hospital care up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are used up. 
  2. Medicare Part B copayment and coinsurance expenses. 
  3. The first 3 pints of blood used in a medical procedure.
  4. Part A hospice care coinsurance expense and copayment.
  5. Skilled Nursing Facility care coinsurance.


This option also covers 50% of 1 gap:


  1. Medicare Part A deductible.


Medigap Plan N


Medigap Plan N is a policy that is similar to other Supplement Plans mentioned before but this has been designed for consumers to pay lower premiums in exchange of paying a small annual deductible and copays. This option covers 100% of 7 gaps:


  1. Medicare Part A coinsurance payments for inpatient hospital care up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are used up. 
  2. Medicare Part B copayment and coinsurance expenses. 
  3. The first 3 pints of blood used in a medical procedure.
  4. Part A hospice care coinsurance expense and copayment.
  5. Medicare Part A deductible.
  6. Skilled Nursing Facility care coinsurance.
  7. Foreign travel emergency coverage (80% of approved costs up to plan limits).


High Deductible Plan F


High Deductible Plan F is a plan that operates similar to Medigap Plan F but the insured will pay up to a deductible (like an employer-sponsored plan) before the plan matches Medigap Plan F’s coverages. As of 2022, the annual deductible has been set to $2,490. Once that deductible has been met, the Plan will convert to Medigap Plan F benefits. This plan is only available to those who became Medicare eligible prior to January 1, 2020.


High Deductible Plan G

High Deductible Plan G operates similarly to the High Deductible Plan F but this plan is open to beneficiaries who became eligible for Medicare on or after January 1, 2020. Another key difference is once the $2,490 annual deductible is met, the insured will have a plan that matches the coverage Medigap Plan H.

Med Supp Chart

  • Plan F & Plan G also offer a high deductible plan in some states.
  • Plan K & Plan L show how much they’ll pay for approved services before you meet your out-of-pocket yearly limit and Part B deductible. After you meet these amounts, the plan will pay 100% of your costs for approved services.
  • Plan N pays 100% of the costs of Part B services, except for copays for some office visits and some emergency room visits.

If you live in Massachusetts, Minnesota, or Wisconsin, your state offers different standardized plans.



